Lamentation of an Old SoulWhen the sun sets, it showers us with a cold, warm glow. The light reminds me of long days gone by, a nostalgic longing for heaven. I will…1d ago1d ago
Published inJournal KitaThe Road to Genuine Self-EsteemIt’s common to believe that our achievements define our self-esteem, but it’s essential to recognize how limiting that perspective can be.Nov 23, 20241Nov 23, 20241
Published inJournal KitaOn EnvyAt the risk of sounding too lofty, we have our path and timeline. If we understand this, we will live a fulfilled life full of gratitude…Aug 12, 20241Aug 12, 20241
In Praise of LaborI came to truly appreciate the value of work later in life. When I was younger, work was solely a means to achieve success, and I always…Aug 2, 2024Aug 2, 2024
An ArtistSome artists bleed on the paper, some on the canvas, others on screen. I think art is the language of the soul. I want to say I am a…Jul 15, 20245Jul 15, 20245
Ocean of God’s LoveI always long for a faraway place in the mountain. Deep in the woods with mist and old trees. My heart yearns for a home I can not name. I…Apr 17, 20241Apr 17, 20241
On DreamI always thought that chasing your dream is a form of self-actualization in Maslow’s hierarchy. Thus, only the privileged few are able to…Apr 10, 2024Apr 10, 2024
Journey of SoulHaving the heart of a cynic and a hopeless romantic makes me feel not quite belonging. Now, I am a believer completely. Meeting your…Apr 9, 2024Apr 9, 2024
On Death and SufferingI am growing old. I look into the mirror and I see wrinkles, lines and shaded darkness. One day, my bones will ache just like my heart…Mar 19, 2024Mar 19, 2024
Acceptance and SurrenderI woke up today and I realized I was no longer young. Gone the days that I can be reckless and carefree. I almost can touch it — the…Jun 13, 2023Jun 13, 2023